Casa Giulia


Bed & Breakfast

Casa Giulia

Property information

Name: Casa Giulia
Rating: 41
Address: E70, Băile Herculane, Rumanía
Description: Escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life and experience a unique, relaxing vacation at Casa Giulia Bed & Breakfast in Băile Herculane, Romania. Enjoy a cozy atmosphere, modern amenities, and beautiful views of the countryside. Relax in the lush garden and experience the peacefulness of the place for an unforgettable stay. Make your stay more memorable with incredible experiences and activities in the surrounding areas. Summer holidays don’t get any better than this!

Reviews information

Rating: 41
Reviews: 44
Reviews per score: {«1»: 5, «2»: 2, «3»: 0, «4»: 12, «5»: 25}

Contact information

Address: E70, Băile Herculane, Rumanía
Plus Code: 8GP4V9CP+HR
Latitude: 4,487,148
Longitude: 2,238,702
Time Zone: Europe/Bucharest
Country Code: RO
Our guest tags: Wifi

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