Casa Luminosa


Bed & Breakfast

Property information

Name: Casa Luminosa
Rating: 47
Address: Av. del Cantábrico, 17, 38109 Santa Cruz de Tenerife, España
Description: Come and enjoy the beautiful scenery of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, while staying in the comfortable and family-friendly Casa Luminosa Bed & Breakfast. With free Wi-Fi and breakfast included, you can relax and enjoy your holiday without worry.

Reviews information

Rating: 47
Reviews: 27
Reviews per score: {«1»: 0, «2»: 0, «3»: 1, «4»: 5, «5»: 21}

Contact information

Address: Av. del Cantábrico, 17, 38109 Santa Cruz de Tenerife, España
Plus Code: 7CW5CM5M+PV
Latitude: 2,840,932
Longitude: -163,153
Time Zone: Atlantic/Canary
Country Code: ES
Our guest tags: Free Wi U2011FI Access to the beach Breakfast Free breakfast Suitable for ni u00f1os Airport transfer

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