

Bed & Breakfast


Property information

Name: Comeacasatua
Rating: 44
Address: Str. Torre Tresca, 22, 70100 Bari BA, Italia
Description: Looking for a safe, relaxing, and pampering summer getaway? Comeacasatua Bed & Breakfast in Bari, Italy has got you covered. With free parking and breakfast, Wi-Fi, and a quality structure and location, our property is ideal for your vacation needs.
Our clients highlight: Property, car, prices, night, living, structure, cornetto, vacation, quality

Reviews information

Rating: 44
Reviews: 135
Reviews per score: {«1»: 10, «2»: 1, «3»: 11, «4»: 20, «5»: 93}

Contact information

Address: Str. Torre Tresca, 22, 70100 Bari BA, Italia
Plus Code: 8FHR3RVX+M2
Latitude: 410,942
Longitude: 1,684,755
Time Zone: Europe/Rome
Country Code: IT
Our guest tags: Free parking Breakfast Wifi Free breakfast Free parking

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