Hostel- Hanami



Hostel- Hanami

Property information

Name: Hostel- Hanami
Rating: 42
Address: Strada Tecuciului 60, Bacău, Rumanía
Description: Escape to a haven of tranquillity and tranquillity accommodations when you stay in Hostel- Hanami Hotel in Bacău, Romania. Here, you get the chance to have an ideal place to visit on a budget and enjoy a comfortable stay. With the best quality and prices available, you’ll have an unforgettable and relaxed experience.
Our clients highlight: prices, quality

Reviews information

Rating: 42
Reviews: 170
Reviews per score: {«1»: 8, «2»: 5, «3»: 24, «4»: 33, «5»: 100}

Contact information

Address: Strada Tecuciului 60, Bacău, Rumanía
Plus Code: 8GR8HWCM+5M
Latitude: 4,657,043
Longitude: 269,342
Time Zone: Europe/Bucharest
Country Code: RO

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