Hotel Denis



Hotel Denis

Property information

Name: Hotel Denis
Rating: 42
Address: Daneș 547200, Rumanía
Description: Experience the comfort and relaxation of Hotel Denis, a 3-star hotel located in Romania. Our hotel has a range of amenities including a pool, restaurants and comfortable rooms. Take some time to relax and unwind in this perfect location, and enjoy the ideal place to visit. Make sure to take advantage of our summer holiday deals and book your stay today.
Our clients highlight: Pool, restaurant, price

Reviews information

Rating: 42
Reviews: 420
Reviews per score: {«1»: 25, «2»: 18, «3»: 50, «4»: 103, «5»: 224}

Contact information

Address: Daneș 547200, Rumanía
Plus Code: 8GR66MFX+MV
Latitude: 4,622,418
Longitude: 2,469,971
Time Zone: Europe/Bucharest
Country Code: RO
Our guest tags: Wifi Parking lot Restaurant Parking lot

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