La Nuova Corte Verona


Apartamento turístico

La Nuova Corte Verona

Property information

Name: La Nuova Corte Verona
Rating: 43
Address: Stradone Antonio Provolo, 26, 37123 Verona VR, Italia
Description: Looking for a summer holiday that won’t break the bank? La Nuova Corte Verona has got you covered! With comfortable sofa beds, ample parking and daily housekeeping, you’ll be able to relax and enjoy your stay without any worries.
Our clients highlight: sofa bed, check in, parking, cleaning

Reviews information

Rating: 43
Reviews: 97
Reviews per score: {«1»: 6, «2»: 2, «3»: 5, «4»: 28, «5»: 56}

Contact information

Address: Stradone Antonio Provolo, 26, 37123 Verona VR, Italia
Plus Code: 8FQGCXQJ+CW
Latitude: 4,543,856
Longitude: 1,098,228
Time Zone: Europe/Rome
Country Code: IT
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