La Zinculescu


Bed & Breakfast

La Zinculescu

Property information

Name: La Zinculescu
Rating: 48
Address: Argeș, Transfăgărășan. 38, Comuna Albeștii de Argeș 117005, Rumanía
Description: Have a unique and unforgettable experience with a stay at La Zinculescu. Treat yourself to a warm, homely Bed & Breakfast nestled in the heart of the Romanian countryside. Enjoy the beauty of Albeștii de Argeș and make it the ideal destination for a relaxing and enjoyable summer vacation.

Reviews information

Rating: 48
Reviews: 37
Reviews per score: {«1»: 0, «2»: 0, «3»: 3, «4»: 2, «5»: 32}

Contact information

Address: Argeș, Transfăgărășan. 38, Comuna Albeștii de Argeș 117005, Rumanía
Plus Code: 8GQ66M99+JW
Latitude: 4,521,909
Longitude: 2,466,983
Time Zone: Europe/Bucharest
Country Code: RO
Our guest tags: Restaurant

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