

Bed & Breakfast


Property information

Name: Sandina
Rating: 48
Address: Strada Petru Rareș, 61, 727590, Rumanía
Description: Dive into the unique beauty of Romania with a stay at Sandina Bed& Breakfast. Take in the culture, beauty and scenery of the country, get out and explore, and create a truly unique experience you won’t forget. With a range of facilities and amenities, you’ll have all the comfort you need to make sure your summer holidays are truly unforgettable.

Reviews information

Rating: 48
Reviews: 53
Reviews per score: {«1»: 0, «2»: 1, «3»: 2, «4»: 2, «5»: 48}

Contact information

Address: Strada Petru Rareș, 61, 727590, Rumanía
Plus Code: 8GV7HMGM+Q5
Latitude: 4,757,699
Longitude: 2,568,295
Time Zone: Europe/Bucharest
Country Code: RO

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