Valentina’s Guest House



Valentina’s Guest House

Property information

Name: Valentina’s Guest House
Rating: 3
Address: 10 Al-Fargoniy Street, Fergana 712000, Uzbekistán
Description: Experience Valentina’s Guest House and enjoy the physical and emotional comfort it provides in the beautiful city of Fergana, Uzbekistan. This 3-star hotel offers warm, cozy rooms with modern amenities, ensuring you have a secure, comfortable stay. Plus, explore the wonders and attractions of the city, making it an ideal destination for anyone seeking a memorable holiday.

Reviews information

Rating: 3
Reviews: 10
Reviews per score: {«1»: 3, «2»: 2, «3»: 1, «4»: 0, «5»: 4}

Contact information

Address: 10 Al-Fargoniy Street, Fergana 712000, Uzbekistán
Plus Code: 8JGH9QJP+RH
Latitude: 4,038,201
Longitude: 7,178,648
Time Zone: Asia/Samarkand
Country Code: UZ
Our guest tags: Breakfast

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